Loopy Challenge

We Are Learning To: add ten to any number under 100.

Ms Rakich's Math class had a two week challenge to improve our Loopy time. We each had a card with an number that was the answer to somebody elses' question until we had completed the cycle. Our first attempt took 7.49 with a lot of stopping to work out the equations. There were a lot of challenges including not trying to tell people the answers to their questions and Active Listening so we didn't miss our questions. By the end of our second week we had our time down nearly 5 minutes at a speedy 2.56!

Art Attack

Art Attack

For art attack this year, we were inspired by Raewyn Harris and the myth of Kupe and the Giant Wheke. 

Here is my art work  :)

My Self Assessment

I gave myself a Relational.

I gave myself a Multistructural.

I gave myself a Relational.

Reading Term 3


Learning Intention:Find and/or remember information in the text I have read to answer questions

Success Criteria: I will have achieved this when I am able to answer questions based on information I have read.

Writing Term 3

Writing (Experiments)

This term we have been integrating writing and science. Every week we get to become scientist and make predictions of what could happen during experiments.


Learning Intention:
I am learning to make a prediction about an experiment.

Success Criteria:

I know I am successful when I can make a prediction and share my reasons for making it.


MS Drummers

Communicating and Interpreting
Share Music Making with others, using basic performance skills and techniques

The best part of Music is being able to share it to others. Here we are showing our skills.

Enjoy :)

Hub 3 Haka


Relationships (students, school-wide, community) with high expectations

This term we had the opportunity to develop our knowledge of Tikanga Maori as well as learn new kupu. 
We did this through learning a haka. 

Here we are performing!


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